Federated Faculty for Research in Religion and Culture

( Founded in 1980 )
Affiliated to the Senate of Serampore College

Rev. Dr. M. C. Thomas

Rev. Dr. M. C. Thomas B.Sc. B.D. M.Th. Th.M. M.Phil. Ph.D.

Mar Thoma Theological Seminary,
Station Road,
Near Logos Junction,
Ph no


Rev. Dr. M. C. Thomas, professor of Old Testament, received his B.Sc from Calicut University, B.D. and M.Th from Serampore University, Th.M from Princeton University, M. Phil, and Ph.D. from Drew University. His Doctoral dissertation is “Official and Popular Religion in the Northern Kingdom of Israel Omri – Joash.” As an ordained minister of the Mar Thoma Syrian Church, he has served as the Director of Thomas Mar Athanasius Memorial Research and Orientation Centre. His area of interest is Old Testament theology, Biblical Languages and Cultural Studies.

Select Publications:

The Poetics of Exile and the Art of Reading Deutero-Isaiah from an Embodiment Paradigm, Mar Thoma Journal of Theology Vol. III, No. 2, December 2014