( Founded in 1980 )
Affiliated to the Senate of Serampore College
Mar Thoma Theological Seminary,
Station Road, Near Logos Junction,
Ph no: 09747132795
E-mail: prakasharrr@gmail.com
Rev. Dr. Prakash K. George, the Principal and Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Languages at the Mar Thoma Theological Seminary, Kottayam, received his B.Sc from Kerala University; B.D, M.Th and D. Th. from Serampore University. His Doctoral Dissertation is “The Worldview of Yahweh speeches in the Book of Job.” As an ordained minister of the Mar Thoma Syrian Church, he has served as translator in the Bible Society of India, Secretary to the Kottayam-Kochi Diocese of the Mar Thoma Church, Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Languages at the Gurukul Lutheran Theological College and Research Centre, Chennai and is currently, the Chairman of the Academic Council of the Senate of Serampore College. His area of interests are in Wisdom Literature, Biblical Hermeneutics, and Biblical Languages.
Select Publications:
The Moral Vision in the Yahweh Speeches in the Book of Job (Mar Thoma Journal of Theology Vol. I, No. 2, December 2014).